Remedial Massage Perth CBD

Remedial Massage in Perth City

Remedial massage involves manipulation of muscles and other soft tissues to help ensure that they are healthy and working normally. Bodysmart therapists perform deep tissue massage whereby they locate knots in the muscles and release them. Our service provides a therapeutic environment whereby office workers can take a break out of their busy schedule to relax. remedial massage Perth    

Massage can help to:

­ - Reduce pain
­ - Improve blood circulation
­ - Improve flexibility
­ - Break down scar tissue
­ - Increase tissue elasticity
­ - Reduce tension and stress

Our service aims to help patients to reduce tightness and stay symptom free.

Our Remedial Massage Therapists service a range of patients including those with:

- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Mid and Upper Back Pain and Tightness
- Headache and Migraine Pain
- Lower Back Pain
- Hip, Knee and Ankle Pain
- Muscle Spasm
- Pregnancy Related Problems
- Other ailments relating to the muscle and skeletal system

Bodysmart Massage is Therapeutic Massage

Our consultations are performed in Private Treatment rooms located on St Georges Terrace in Perth city (CBD). All of our massage therapists have completed their 2 year Remedial Massage Therapy Diploma and are full qualified and experienced. They provide a therapeutic environment whereby clients can discuss their areas of concern and get a customised massage tailored for their needs. Pressure and techniques are varied depending on the clients needs and response.


To book your Remedial Massage appointment contact Bodysmart (08) 9481 8708 or Book Online

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  • Medibank Private Members' Choice
  • BUPA Members First

Location St Georges Terrace